This week was a bit crazy, but good. Alwaysss good. Sad not to have Halloween with the fam (my fav.) but we celebrated as a zone with Pizza Hut haha. Mucho mejor.
Tuesday morning, I was praying to know who i should study for during my personal study. Then I got up and started reading in the Book of Mormon, and for some reason my mind could not focus on anything. And all the sudden Viviana's name popped into my head. It was the weirdest thing, but I felt like an overwhelming love for her and desire to help her. So I told Hna. Bazan, I think we need to go see Viviana. We cut our studies short to go see her, and sure enough Jaime was back with her. And it was the week she was supposed to get baptized. Sadly we had to break it to her that she could no longer get baptized this week and she was devistated. She was begging us, and saying she would live with her son, but now the plan is they are going to get married.. So now that is what we are working on, but she is planning on getting baptized on the 12th of December. It is a process, but what is important is that she keeps working to the goal and i KNOW she will be baptized. She is awesome, but it is frustrating when problems like this get in the way.
Kimberly is still awesome as ever, and we are excited to see her progress and be baptized on the 12th of December!
Today i got a new COMPI. I was so sad to say bye to Hna. Bazan. I learned so much from her. She taught me how to be patient with myself especially while learning a language. And she taught me how to love these people, but I really love how she learns from every experience. She tries to learn new things everyday and apply them in her life and in her teaching, it is awesome. So i am grateful for what I learned from her but my new comp is AMAZING also. Her name is Hna. Arce, and she is from Paraguay. She does not speak English, but I already feel more confident now that I have to speak in Spanish all the time, its awesome. She is soo funny, and I can tell she is so easy to get along with and love. She only has a couple transfers left, so it is possible that I will be her last companion. But I stayed in the area, so i am hoping everything will go okay without Hna. Bazan!
Every week I appreciate this experience more and more. I wouldnt change it for anything! Love you all, Feliz Noviembre! Cant believe it is already November. Time flies here. Have the best week!
Hermana Richan
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